A few weekends ago I rode to Spring Valley for the Gem City Rollers' Roll in the Hay camping rally.

It was a bit dark leaving Metro, but we only got rained on for a bit while in town and it dried quick enough to be forgotten. I didn't even have time to think that my rain gear would be necessary. Dave and Kim probably didn't even have any, so I would've ridden along wet to commiserate.
The Rally was entertaining despite missing most of the active events like rides and shenanigans. We did still get to see the Gymkanna, which was kinda sad. And we saw people try to bite a hot dog from a moving scooter. The rest of the night was good for hanging out, and I had my yearly ride on Kevin C's rare Lambretta, in the dark, on winding corn field perimeter roads.

These cows have always been here. I think they are pets/scenery.

Beautiful bright morning on the farm.
Sleeping on the ground always makes me crave road trips and more camping, so the following Monday Bob and I rode out to Portsmouth to scout out more camping and to visit his parents on the Ohio side of the river.

A visit to Augusta, parked by the Ferry, but that we stayed on the KY side, and visited a lonely Amtrak station in Maysville that is unmanned and always open.

Bob, his R100GSPD (Paris Dakar replica) and my CBR400 at Heritage Honda (boring) in the ugly modern part of Maysville, vs. the pretty old town part that had the cool train station.
After crossing the River just after Portsmouth we visited with Bob's folks and had some delicious pasta. We rode back via 125 through Shawnee State Park, they had just treated the road with a fine spread of small gravel and signs warning us to go 30mph, it was strange and made corners feel kinda funny.

Bob hit a Vulture outside of the park.
I don't mean to make it sound like a small deal, I hate to see any casualty of road sports, but Bob was so unfazed that I wanted to convey that with my delivery. This was the last buzzard to leave a banquet of deer at the guard rail; he should have just stayed put. Bob's Beemer suffered only some smear on the mirror and broken turn signal and brush guard.
Anyway, Shawnee State Park looks like a great destination for a scooter ride and camp. Who's in? We'll try to avoid the wild life.